Sep 09, 2024  
2024-25 Catalog 
2024-25 Catalog

Course Descriptions

As you read through the course descriptions, notice that each entry contains the course prefix and number, course title, a brief description of the course, prerequisite information, credit hour value, number of lecture and laboratory hours per week scheduled in a traditional 17-week semester, and the Program Classification System (PCS) code, described below. Note that some courses are assigned an IAI code. A description of the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) is also presented.

An official course syllabus for credit courses is available upon request.

Program Classification System (PCS) Coding

PCS codes indicate the degree or certificate for which courses will be accepted.

PCS 1.1 Baccalaureate/Transfer Courses
  Academic courses equivalent to lower-division baccalaureate study and are generally articulated for transfer to four-year universities.
PCS 1.2 Occupational/Technical Courses
  Technical and applied courses designed to meet the requirements for an occupational degree or certificate program. Although these courses are not generally designed for transfer, some may be articulated with universities and used to meet lower-division baccalaureate requirements.
PCS 1.3 Community Education Courses
  Non-credit courses.
PCS 1.4 Remedial/Developmental Courses
  Preparatory or developmental educational courses designed to develop basic skills in reading, writing, speaking, and mathematics of high school graduates or persons achieving the equivalency of a high school diploma. Course credit does not count toward the completion of the associate transfer degrees.
PCS 1.6 Vocational Skills
  Short-term vocational skills training or upgrading courses that are designed to be used toward the completion of a vocational skills credential. Vocational skills courses may be used toward occupational/career degree or certificate if the college determines that the content of the course meets the objectives required.
PCS 1.7 Adult Basic Education
  Courses designed to provide basic skills training up to the eighth grade equivalency level for non-high school graduates.
PCS 1.8 Adult Secondary Education
  Courses designed to provide basic skills training for the secondary equivalency level for non-high school graduates.
PCS 1.9 English As A Second Language
  Courses that include instruction in English for those students whose native language is not English. Courses are designed to include various levels of competencies based on proficiency and purpose.

Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) Coding

IAI codes for specific L&C courses that have been accepted by the IAI are listed in parentheses following the course title. For example, ENGL 131 First Year English I (IAI: C1 900). C1 900 refers to the IAI General Education Communications Writing Course Sequence I. This code is a common code used by participating institutions to refer to courses very similar to ENGL 131.

C = Communications which includes specific English and speech courses
M = Mathematics which includes specific math courses
P = Physical Sciences which includes specific chemistry, physical sciences, and physics courses
L = Life Sciences which includes specific biology courses
H = Humanities which includes specific foreign language, humanities, literature, and philosophy courses
F = Fine Arts which includes specific art, drama, and music courses
HF = Interdisciplinary which includes specific humanities courses
S = Social and Behavioral Sciences which includes specific anthropology, economics, geography, history, political science, psychology, and sociology courses

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