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Academic Information

Student Responsibilities

You are responsible for following all policies and meeting all requirements and deadlines for enrollment, course withdrawal, and graduation. Policies are subject to change. It is your responsibility to be familiar with the information presented in the Catalog and Student Handbook, and to know and observe all regulations and procedures relating to the program you are pursuing. In no case will a regulation be waived or an exception granted because you plead ignorance of, or contend that you were not informed of the regulations or procedures.

Academic Standards

All students are expected to make satisfactory academic progress, and the standards are as follows:

Good Standing: To be in good standing you must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher. Failure to do so may result in the following.

Academic Probation: If you have attempted any credit hours at L&C (including transfer hours accepted by L&C), you will be placed on academic probation if you meet one of the following conditions: (a) your cumulative grade point average is lower than 1.75 and the total number of credit hours attempted at L&C plus any transfer hours accepted by L&C is less than 16; or (b) your cumulative grade point average is lower than 2.00 and the total number of credit hours attempted at L&C plus any transfer hours accepted by L&C is 16 or more. To be removed from probation, you must raise your cumulative GPA to the required level. If you are placed on probation you should seek academic help from the Counseling office. You will be required to meet with an advisor prior to registering for classes. You are also limited to a maximum of 14 credit hours for fall and spring semesters and seven credit hours in the summer while you are on probation.

Academic Suspension: If, while on probation, your cumulative GPA stays below 2.00 and you have 24 or more credit hours attempted (including transfer hours accepted by L&C) and your semester GPA drops below 2.00, you will be placed on suspension. Students on academic suspension are required to develop a Student Success plan with an advisor which could include repeating courses or limiting the number of courses taken in the next semester or sitting out for one semester. While it is recommended that you work with an advisor and continue working toward a degree or certificate, you may not be eligible for financial aid while your GPA is below 2.0. If you are suspended in the fall semester you cannot register for the spring semester if you do not develop a Student Success plan with your advisor. If you are suspended in the spring semester you cannot register for the following semester (either summer or fall) if you do not develop a Student Success plan with your advisor. If you are suspended in the Summer session you cannot register for the fall semester if you do not develop a Student Success plan with your advisor.

Academic Renewal: Students with a GPA below 2.0 at L&C and who have not enrolled at the college for four or more years may apply to the Director of Enrollment and Advising for academic renewal. If approved, all prior L&C grades will be voided with a "W" placed in front of each grade on the academic transcript. Academic renewal pertains to Lewis and Clark only and not to any other college or university the student may attend. Financial aid status is not affected by academic renewal. Students who have received degrees or certificates from L&C may not be eligible for academic renewal. Once academic renewal has been awarded and posted on the student's transcript, it cannot be reversed. Academic Renewal may only be done once.

Transfer Students: The academic standards of L&C apply to transfer students who have been accepted on the basis of total hours transferred from the institution attended. Credit hours (but not grade points) you have earned at the previous institution will be included for satisfaction of L&C graduation and academic standards requirements.


Class absences seriously disrupt your progress in a course and visibly diminish the quality of classroom interaction which is so important. There is also a close relationship between the number of absences and your final grade. Our data show that 80 percent of students who miss the first day of class fail or withdraw from the course. Although an occasional absence may be unavoidable, it in no way excuses you from meeting the requirements of the course. You are responsible both for completing any work you miss and for preparing for the next class. Your instructor may allow full credit, partial credit, or no credit at all for work you complete late. Your Course Outline specifies the instructor's attendance policy.

Auditing a Course

You may register to audit a course during the week prior to the start of the course. We suggest that you meet the course prerequisite or obtain permission from the instructor. You MUST indicate on your registration form that you are auditing the course. Once a class has begun, the period for audit registration has expired. If auditing a course, you are expected to attend regularly. However, you do not have to take examinations, and will not receive college credit. A record of audit will be entered on your transcript as AU with no college credit given. It cannot later be converted to a letter grade with college credit. You must pay full tuition and fees for an audit. You cannot receive financial aid, scholarships, nor veterans educational benefits for audited courses. For additional information, contact the Enrollment Center, Baldwin Hall, Room 1450.

Classification of Students

You will be classified as follows:

Freshman: A student who has earned fewer than 28 credit hours.
Sophomore: A student who has earned 28 or more credit hours.
Full-Time Student: A student enrolled for 12 or more credit hours.
Part-Time Student: A student enrolled for fewer than 12 credit hours.

Course Load

You are considered a full-time student if you are registered for at least 12 credit hours in the fall or spring semester or for at least 6 credit hours in the Summer semester. The majority of associate degree programs are 60 credit hours. Enrolling in 15 credit hours in the fall and spring semesters, increases the likelihood of graduating in four semesters or two years. However, you may register for a maximum of 18 credit hours (with the exception of the Dental Assisting Program) in the fall or spring semesters or for a maximum of 12 credit hours during the Summer sessions. Overload hours beyond these maximums require the permission of an Enrollment Center manager. If on academic probation, you will be required to meet with an advisor prior to registering for classes. You are also limited to a maximum of fourteen credit hours for fall and spring semesters and eight credit hours in the summer while you are on probation.

Courses from a Non-Accredited Institution

L&C does not accept transfer courses from non-accredited institutions. The definition of a "non-accredited" institution is a post-secondary educational institution that is not accredited by one of the six regional associations of higher education.

Credit for Prior Learning

Academic credits may be earned through a variety of prior learning assessments. These credits may be added to earned credits and used to satisfy program requirements resulting in a certificate, a degree, and/or a transfer to other colleges. In addition to transferring credits earned while attending other accredited institutions, persons may have earned credits (general occupational) for established professional knowledge and skill development through military training and work life experience. If the student earns a score on a proficiency test that demonstrates knowledge at the level established by L&C, proficiency credit may be entered on the student's transcript. A person seeking credit for prior learning at L&C must be enrolled prior to awarding credit for prior learning. These credits might not transfer to other colleges. Credit for Prior Learning is counted toward graduation but is limited to no more than 50 percent of the credit hours required for an associate degree or a certificate of proficiency. The credit is not included in the calculation of the grade point average and may not be used to establish full-time eligible status. An appointment with an academic advisor in the Enrollment Center, Baldwin Hall, Room 1450, is encouraged. Please call 618-468-2222 to schedule an appointment. The following procedures may be used in obtaining proficiency credits:

Advanced Placement (AP) Program - The Advanced Placement program is sponsored by the College Board and gives secondary school students the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge that merits college credit. L&C offers credit for many AP subjects. Scores from AP examinations should be submitted to the Enrollment Center, Baldwin Hall, Room 1450. An amendment to the College and Career Success for All Students Act in fall 2015 provides that a student who takes a College Board Advanced Placement examination and receives a score of 3 or higher on the examination is entitled to receive postsecondary level course credit at a public institution of higher education. It requires each public institution of higher education to comply with the same standard of awarding course credit to any student receiving a score of 3 or higher on a College Board Advanced Placement examination and applying the credit to meet a corresponding course requirement for degree completion at that institution of higher education. L&C will grant credit for eligible AP tests at $10 per credit hour.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP) - The College Level Examination Program is a national credit-by-examination program that offers an individual the opportunity to obtain recognition for college-level achievement. Through CLEP, a person can demonstrate knowledge that merits academic credit. On-the-job experience, military training, personal study, or distance learning are some of the sources that can prepare an individual to earn college credit. Anyone may take the CLEP test, no matter where or how a person has learned. To determine if the CLEP credit will meet general education requirements, check with an academic advisor. Science courses credited by CLEP will not meet L&C's general education lab science requirements. Test credit will not be allowed when students have previously received credit in equivalent courses. In addition, test credit will not be granted when students are currently enrolled in an equivalent course, or a higher level course. The non-refundable $87 CLEP test fee must be paid in advance of taking the test, along with an additional $15 test-proctoring fee. L&C will transcribe proficiency credit for eligible CLEP exams at $10 per credit hour. For a current list of courses available for CLEP credit or to register to take a CLEP test contact the Assessment Center, Baldwin Hall, Room 1442, 618-468-5220.

International Baccalaureate (IB) Program - The International Baccalaureate Program gives students the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge that merits college credit. L&C offers credit for many IB subjects. Scores from IB examinations should be submitted to the Enrollment Center, Baldwin Hall, Room 1450. Scores of 4 or higher on International Baccalaureate Diploma Program examinations shall be accepted for credit to satisfy elective, general education requirements, or major requirements. The L&C Enrollment Center can provide information on the scores required to receive credit for those purposes. L&C will grant credit for eligible IB tests at $10 per credit hour.

Military Credit - Among the methods of earning credit for veterans and service members are the Defense Subject Standard Tests (DSST), formerly known as Defense Activity for Non-traditional Education Support tests (DANTES), and credit based on the completion of courses at service schools, transcribed on a Joint Services Transcript and that have been evaluated by the Commission on Accreditation of Service Experiences (CASE) of the American Council on Education (ACE). The DSST program is a national, credit-by-exam program offered by Prometric. The DSST examinations cover material taught in six basic areas: business, sciences, humanities, mathematics, social sciences, and education. L&C will grant credit for eligible DSST tests at $10 per credit hour. Service members, veterans, and their dependents are encouraged to consult with their Base Education Services Office or with the L&C Veterans Services Office in Baldwin Hall, Room 2418, 618-468-5500. Students who have had one year of active duty and an honorable discharge automatically qualify for three credits in health education and two credits in physical education at no charge. Credit is determined from documentation supplied by the student's official discharge document (DD214) which must be presented to the L&C Enrollment Center.

Institutionally Prepared Proficiency Exams - Students may also earn credit in a number of disciplines through institutionally prepared proficiency examinations. Proficiency exams are not available for all courses and are offered at the discretion of the program coordinator/faculty. Students may not take a proficiency exam for a course in which they were previously enrolled and received a grade of D, F, W, or I. Students may only attempt a proficiency exam one time for any particular course and may not take a proficiency exam after the first week of a course in which they are currently enrolled. Students seeking to take a proficiency exam must register for the exam through the Main Campus Enrollment Center, the Nelson Campus, a Community Education Center, or online. A non-refundable $50 fee will be charged for each proficiency exam. L&C will transcribe proficiency credit at $10 per credit hour. Both the exam fee and the credit hour fee must be paid prior to testing. Proof of payment will be required at the time of testing. If a student fails the proficiency exam, the student should complete a refund form and the transcription fee will be refunded through the Bursar's Office. Examinations may not be administered to students who have passed a higher level course than the one for which the proficiency is requested unless specifically approved in advance by the dean responsible for that program area. In all cases, credit to be granted for successful completion of tests will be determined by the program coordinator and his/her dean. Credit earned through examinations cannot duplicate credit earned in college course work. Exceptions to any of the procedures noted in this section must be discussed with the appropriate dean. Proficiency examinations are taken at times set by the program coordinator and are administered by the Assessment Center. For more information about proficiency credit, contact the appropriate program coordinator and/or her/his dean. Proficiency exams may be taken for the following courses: CIS 135, CIS 260, ENGL 131, FREN 131, FREN 132, FREN 231, FREN 232, GERM 131, GERM 132, GERM 231, GERM 232, SPAN 131, SPAN 132, SPAN 231, and SPAN 232.

State Seal of Biliteracy - The Illinois State Seal of Biliteracy gives secondary school students the opportunity to demonstrate proficiency in a foreign language that equates to college credit. High school programs encourage qualified students to complete standardized assessments to establish proficiency. The State Seal of Biliteracy is transcribed by the high school and under state statute; public community colleges and universities must accept the seal as equivalent to foreign language course credit. L&C accepts the State Seal of Biliteracy and will transcribe Proficiency (P) credit earned in the Elementary foreign language courses, I and II, in Spanish, French and German. High school graduates who earn a State Seal of Biliteracy must request foreign language course credit within three academic years after graduating from high school. Qualified students are encouraged to meet with an academic advisor in the Enrollment Center, Baldwin Hall, Room 1450.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

We use a quality point average system based on 4.0, which equals an "A." "B" equals 3.0, "C" equals 2.0, and "D" equals 1.0. The overall grade point average is computed by dividing the total quality points earned by the total credit hours completed. For example:

1 credit hour of A = 1 x 4.0 =

4 quality points

4 credit hours of B = 4 x 3.0 =

12 quality points

6 credit hours of C = 6 x 2.0 =

12 quality points

2 credit hours of D = 2 x 1.0 =

2 quality points

13 credit hours

30 quality points

30 divided by 13 =

2.308 GPA

PR, AU, I, S, W, and X are not counted when computing your GPA.


The following letter grades are used at L&C:


Superior Performance


Audit, no credit


Good Performance


Average Performance


Poor Performance (may not qualify as a passing grade in some programs)


Failing the Course


Incomplete. Student in good standing who did not complete the requirements of the course due to extenuating circumstances. Work must be completed at least two weeks prior to the end of the next regular semester (Summer sessions not included) or a grade of F will automatically be recorded on the transcript.


Proficiency credit earned


Progress - Re-enroll, made progress but did not successfully complete course. Generally awarded only in developmental education courses at the discretion of the instructor. No credit earned and no grade point value. Can be awarded twice per course.


Satisfactory. Awarded for completion of those courses designated as pass/fail.




Identifies grades forgiven through Academic Renewal


Unsatisfactory. Indicates failure to satisfactorily complete the requirements of a designated pass/fail course.


Proficiency credit earned from the Advanced Placement program (ZA), the College Level Examination Program (ZC), the Defense Subject Standard Test and/or Defense Activity for Non-traditional Education Support Test (ZD), life experiences (ZL), the military (ZM), non-accredited institutions (ZN), and institutionally-prepared proficiency exams (ZP).

Grade Changes
Students that believe they have received a grade in error have a maximum of two years to request a grade change. This includes late withdrawals in which a previously earned grade is changed to a W. Requests should be made to the Director of Enrollment and Advising and must include supporting documentation explaining why a grade change is necessary.

Grade Reports
Reports indicate a letter grade for each course, a grade point average, and a cumulative grade point average of all work attempted and credit earned. Grade reports are available on Lewis and Clark's website through Student Planner and are no longer routinely mailed to students. Students who need a hard copy of their final grades should contact the Enrollment Center and a grade report will be mailed to their homes at the end of the term, or they may request an official transcript.


General Graduation Requirements

  • Have all, if any, high school and post-secondary transcripts sent directly to the Enrollment Center from those institutions.

  • Successfully complete the prescribed minimum number of credit hours.

  • Successfully complete the human relations course requirement under State of Illinois Public Act 87-581 for any of the transfer degrees.

  • Complete a minimum of 15 credit hours of the degree at L&C to fulfill the residency requirement. For the AAS degree, all 15 hours must be core program courses, not general education courses. For the Certificate of Proficiency, 9 hours must be core program courses, not general education courses. For the Certificate of Completion, 6 hours must be core program courses, not general education courses.

  • Achieve a minimum grade point average of C or 2.00 for courses attempted at L&C subject to the academic standards.

  • Pay all financial obligations to L&C.

  • Be sure that all incomplete grades are assigned a regular grade.

Graduation requirements for an Associate in General Studies degree vary. Make an appointment with a counselor at 618-468-4121 for details.

Posthumous Degree Policy
In the case of a student's death, the student's academic record will be reviewed. Students who have been approved to graduate will be awarded the certificate or Associate degree for which the student is eligible. Deceased students who have completed a minimum of 45 graduation hours toward any Associate degree or have completed a minimum of 75 percent of a certificate program at the time of the student's death are also eligible for a posthumous degree or certificate award.

Degree Completion Requirements

  • No student may graduate using the requirements of a L&C catalog that is more than six years old prior to the date of graduation.

  • Any exception or waiver of these requirements must be approved by the Academic Vice President.

  • To become eligible to receive a certificate in a career program at L&C, please refer to the Career Programs section of the catalog.

Graduation Procedure - Follow these steps:

  1. Apply for Graduation - Fill out the on-line graduation application through Student Planner by the appropriate deadline date as shown below. If interested in participating in the Commencement Ceremony in May, you will need to order your cap and gown online when completing the graduation application.

    Graduation Date

    Application Deadline

    Fall Semester Graduation

    November 15

    Spring Semester Graduation

    February 15

    Summer Graduation

    March 15

  2. Complete Course Requirements Listed on Your Program Evaluation - You will not receive any further correspondence from the college regarding the requirements. It is your responsibility to complete the requirements listed on your program evaluation. If you fail or withdraw from required courses, contact the L&C Registrar at 618-468-5110 immediately to change your graduation date.

Other Important Graduation Information - After the semester ends in which you plan to graduate, the Registrar will certify your graduation. Your transcript will be updated to show your degree, and your diploma will be predated. If the Registrar is unable to certify your graduation, you will be informed by email. If problems can be resolved, your graduation will be certified by mid-term of the following semester. Otherwise, you will need to be reapplied for the following semester by the Registrar or your graduation file will remain inactive.

If you need any waivers or substitutions, it is your responsibility to contact your faculty advisor or program coordinator and be sure the proper forms are initiated and processed. This step must be completed prior to applying for graduation. The Registrar will send you a copy when the process is complete.

In March, candidates for graduation are sent informational packets containing information needed to participate in commencement. All graduates are encouraged to attend the commencement ceremonies in May in the Hatheway Cultural Center. The Registrar will inform you by email when your diploma is ready for pick up.


You will be named to the Dean's List if you:

  • are enrolled in twelve or more credit hours and earn a semester GPA between 3.250 and 3.749, or

  • have accumulated twelve or more credit hours in two or more semesters and earn a cumulative GPA between 3.250 and 3.749.

You will be named to the President's List if you:

  • are enrolled in twelve or more credit hours and earn a semester GPA of 3.750 or higher, or

  • have accumulated twelve or more credit hours in two or more semesters and earn a cumulative GPA of 3.750 or higher.

Graduation Honors - If you graduate with a cumulative grade point average of between 3.250 and 3.749, you will graduate with honors. With a cumulative grade point average of 3.750 or higher, you will graduate with high honors. If you graduate with honors or high honors, the designation will appear on your transcript and diploma.

Honors College

The Honors College at Lewis and Clark provides an opportunity for students with outstanding potential to complete their first two years of a four-year degree while saving thousands of dollars and taking advantage of other benefits offered by a community college, including small class sizes and faculty mentorship opportunities.

This program enhances the college experience through honors courses, service and social opportunities and a culminating undergraduate research project and symposium. Students move through the program together as a cohort with 10-20 peers, and work closely with a designated transfer advisor and faculty mentor throughout their two years at L&C to guide a smooth transfer to their four-year university. For best results, students should declare a transfer school upon admission to this program.

Upon graduation, students will have earned an Associate in Science or Associate in Arts degree, with a special honors designation at Commencement and on their college transcript.

Repeating Courses

You may attempt any course three times in which you earn a "PR", "D", "W", "X" or an "F" except in certain programs where specific repeat policies are identified. Only the highest grade earned will be computed into your Grade Point Average (GPA). If you are unsuccessful in the third take of the course, you will be blocked from future registrations for the course. You may appeal by meeting with an academic advisor. If the advisor approves another registration in this course, you will be required to pay the equivalent of the out-of-district tuition rate.

Note: If the last attempt of the course has been four years or more, the student can have another three attempts before the out-of-district rate is applied.

If you successfully pass a course (earn a grade of "C" or higher) and want to repeat the course within 4 years of the successful completion you will be required to pay the equivalent of the out-of-district tuition rate. This includes transfer courses. The exceptions to this rule are NUAD 120, Basic Nurse Assistant Training and EMT 120, Emergency Medical Technician. If a student successfully completes NUAD 120 or EMT 120, and repeats the course within 4 years, the student will not have to pay the out-of-district rate. If it has been more than 4 years since a student successfully completed a course he or she will not be charged the out-of-district rate.

Please note: Some courses are designed such that the student is expected to gain increased depth of knowledge through repetition. The following courses are designed to be repeated for additional credit and cannot be repeated for improving grade point average: AUTO 250 , BRDG 100-137, 140-153, DENT 299, DRFT 249-250, DST 130, EASL 101-103, EDTR 221, 223-227, 240-260, 266, 268, 276, 279, 286, 287, ENGL 031, 037, FIRE 100, 110, GED 101-106, JOBS 100, 131-133, MATH 025, 031, 038, 045, MCOM 280, MUSI 144-147, 149, 172, 196-199, 233, 299, NURS 127, 280, OTLC 0010-0012, PRCS-271, SCT 111, SERV 130, and STSK 132.

Waitlist Policy

Students who are placed on a waitlist will be automatically enrolled in the class once a seat becomes available. Once enrolled, the student will receive an email to his/her Lewis and Clark email address notifying him/her that he/she has been enrolled. Students will not be automatically enrolled if there is a time conflict, a registration restriction (i.e. the student owes a fine to the college), the student doesn't meet the required prerequisite, or if the student is registered in another section of the class. If this happens, the student will be skipped and the open seat will go to the next student on the waitlist. Students can use "Manage My Waitlist" from their BlazerNet account to see where they rank on the waitlist.

Once the payment deadline has passed students who haven't paid their tuition will be removed from their classes. Waitlisted students will be automatically enrolled in classes that have room in them. Students will get an email notifying them that they have been enrolled in the class(es) and that they need to pay their tuition within 24 hours. The waitlist will then be shut off and no other students will be added. Waitlisted students who did not get enrolled in a class will receive an email notifying them that they did not get enrolled and that the waitlist has been shut off.

Withdrawing from a Course

All students, credit and non-credit, who wish to withdraw from any course, need to officially withdraw. You can officially withdraw in three ways: (1) by logging into Student Planner and processing your withdrawal online, (2) by letter with your signature requesting the withdrawal either mailed or faxed to the Enrollment Center, N. O. Nelson Campus or Community Education Centers, (3) by course change form in person at the Enrollment Center (BA 1450) or at any of the Community Education Centers.

Non-credit students need to withdraw in accordance with the refund policies for Continuing Education and non-credit courses with a CE_ _ prefix. Withdrawal from non-credit courses after the refund periods is not necessary. When withdrawing via Student Planner, use your ID and password.

Credit students need to officially withdraw by course deadline dates. You can find the exact withdrawal dates for your courses at Click on Browse Our Classes to access Search for Sections, then enter your course information.

Be aware that these deadlines are not related to refunds (See Refund Policy). You are encouraged to inform your instructor(s) of your intentions to withdraw. The withdrawal is official when the completed request is processed by the Enrollment Center, N. O. Nelson Campus, or Community Education Centers or submitted through Student Planner. If you do not officially withdraw from a course, you will receive a grade based on work completed - which may not be sufficient to give you a passing grade. An official withdrawal within the withdrawal period results in a grade of "W" on your transcript. However, a withdrawal prior to the conclusion of the tuition refund period results in no transcript record. Non-attendance does not constitute an official withdrawal.

Requests to withdraw after the official withdrawal period will be not be processed. Exceptions can be made in hardship cases such as: serious injury, chronic illness, medical issue of a family member that is acting as a caretaker, mental health, sudden transportation concerns, financial and housing issues. The request must be written and provided to the Assistant Director, Academic Advising for review. Documents to support the extenuating circumstance should be provided with the hardship request to be reviewed.

Benjamin Godfrey Campus • 5800 Godfrey Road, Godfrey, Illinois 62035 • (618) 468-7000 or 1-800-YES-LCCC

N. O. Campus • 600 Troy Road, Edwardsville, Illinois 62025 • (618) 468-5851

Confluence Field Station • 1 Confluence Way, East Alton, Illinois 62024 • (618) 468-2900

Scott Bibb Center • 1004 East 5th Street, Alton, Illinois 62002 • (618) 468-4110

Macoupin County Community Education Center • 18400 Shipman Road, Carlinville, Illinois 62626 • (217) 854-5400

Tri-County Community Education Center • 100 Lincoln Avenue, Jerseyville, Illinois 62052 • (618) 498-6500

Bethalto Training Center • 1136 East Airline Drive, Bethalto, Illinois 62024 • (618) 468-5787

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